Parent and Program Policies

Parent and Program Policies

Dear Families, Welcome to My Angel Daycare in Newcastle.

 My Angel Daycare in Newcastle is devoted to nurturing your child and providing a variety of learning opportunities that contribute to their overall development. We provide a healthy balance of traditional structure and progressive teaching methods in a fun and creative learning environment.

My Angel Daycare in Newcastle is a “home away from home.” We offer a warm, safe, and inviting environment filled with dedicated and experienced teachers who are excited about being an active part of your child’s early years of development. Our teachers are educated, energetic, and prepared to support your child’s individual needs. At My Angel Daycare in Newcastle, the world is at your fingertips!

Mission Statement

 The mission of My Angel Daycare in Newcastle is to provide the community’s children and families with the highest quality childcare possible.

Our goal is to

• Provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment that supports diversity among our children, families, and teachers.

• Introduce our children to a surrounding that is rich with learning opportunities to enhance their physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development.

 • Offer a structured yet nurturing and evolving environment with the most progressive teaching styles that promote creativity and individuality in each child’s day.

 • Create a work organization that encourages professionalism and personal growth.

 • Build a meaningful partnership with each family that empowers the children to be strong, confident, and successful lifelong learners.

We aim to accomplish this for the purpose of making a positive and significant difference in the lives of our children, families, and community in which we live and work.

 Hours of Operation

 Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 5:30 PM.

 Holidays/In-Service Closures

There are no tuition deductions for the following holidays or early closures for program planning. If one of the following holidays falls on a Saturday, we will be closed on Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed the following Monday. If an early closure for planning falls on a holiday it will be held on the Friday before.

Holiday Closures: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Easter Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving & Day After, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.

We have six (6) In-Service Days (professional development). For dates, please see the Main Office.


At the time of enrollment, you will be required to fill out:

1. Enrollment - Registration/Policy Review Packet

2. Emergency Medical Information

3. Enrollment/Tuition Agreements

4. Policies Agreement

5. Immunization Form

6. IEA for USDA Program/Infant USDA Paperwork at Participating Locations

7. Childcare Injury/ Incident Report

8. Medication Authorization form

9. Medication Record

10. Family Home Child care Permission Authorization for photography, videotaping, or surveillance of his or her child

11. Child/ Parent Information for Emergency Plan.


 Children will be transitioned to classrooms based on developmental level and availability. Infant...................................12 weeks to 12 months

Waddle/Toddler ........... 3 weeks to 2 years

Preschool ............................2 years to 5 years

 In/Out Procedures

 You are required to sign your child/children in and out on a daily basis. You must sign with your full signature, along with the exact time you drop off your child and pick up your child. Children are not permitted to sign themselves in and out of the center. Children will only be released to adults authorized on the registration form, unless written permission to release that child to another adult is received from the guardian enrolled. Teachers will ask for verification of identity before releasing a child. Teachers will not release a child to anyone who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Advanced communication is required for early arrivals and/or late pick-up.

Your Child’s Day

1. Upon arrival to the center, please sign your child in with your full signature and/or electronic signature (where applicable), and time of arrival; the sign in/out binder is located near the front entry or lobby. PLEASE DO NOT INITIAL.

2. Take your child to their classroom, wash their hands immediately upon entering, help your child hang up their jacket, and place any other items in their labeled cubby.

3. Spend a few minutes with your child in their class, this will help them start their day off on a positive note and give you a chance to be a part of their morning activity.

4. When picking your child up for the day, please remember to sign them out with your full signature and time of pick up. PLEASE DO NOT INITIAL.

5. At My Angel, we maintain an “open door” policy. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in your child’s day.

 Philosophy & Curriculum Development

My Angel Daycare believes that a child’s development begins the moment that the child enters the door and doesn’t end until they leave for the day. Every age group, infant through prekindergarten has a daily activity schedule posted in their room. Weekly curriculum offers sensory activities, small and large motor skill development, science, art, circle time, group activities, music, math, and more.

 At My Angel Daycare in Newcastle, children are grouped according to their chronological age and their emotional and cognitive development. Early childhood is when creativity and learning are at their peak. Play is a child’s job and is how a child learns where they fit into their environment. Taking this into consideration, activities and materials are chosen very carefully in order to enhance the children’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs through all stages of development.

We use a teaching strategy called “Creative Curriculum” along-side “Emergent Curriculum.” These strategies believe that children learn best when they are actively involved with materials and with others organically. Creative Curriculum is nationally known for its forward-thinking, comprehensive, and rigorously researched model. Our curriculum is a content rich, developmentally appropriate program, that supports active learning and promotes children’s progress in all developmental areas. Emergent curriculum is a way of planning curriculum based on the students’ interests and passions, as well as the teachers. To plan an emergent curriculum requires observation, documentation, creative brainstorming, flexibility, and patience. Our lead and assistant teachers are trained on our curriculum before entering the classroom, and throughout their first weeks of training.

We have developed a detailed set of “Child Assessments” to track your child’s overall growth at each stage. At My Angel Daycare, we strive to make an on-going effort to value children as individuals and embrace their unique contributions to set their success in school and in life.

In an ongoing effort to prove our commitment to high-quality care, My Angel Daycare participates in the Early Achievers voluntary program. Early Achievers empowers early learning professionals through coaching and resources to provide high quality care, that supports each child’s learning and development. This will ultimately prepare children for school.

Our teachers participate in annual STARS Training. STARS are a training development system designed to improve teaching through basic and ongoing courses. These trainings help teachers support teacher/child interactions My Angel Daycare also provides opportunities quarterly for job embedded professional development for all teachers. These training courses fluctuate based on each program and are used to help improve curriculum and teacher-child interactions. My Angel Daycare closes 6 times per year to work on professional development with our teachers and management to support these areas of training.

 A teacher’s role is enhanced through ongoing training and education, to help plan activities based on children’s needs and development. Teachers set the tone for the children and environment, they build a warm and nurturing environment, mentor students, are role models, and are able to listen and look for signs of concern

 Infant Program

Our infant program has a fluctuating schedule that is based on each individual infant’s demands and needs. We request that you provide the following items for your infant:

• Bottles with lids: pre-made and labeled with child’s first/last, days date and contents

• Cereal and jar foods (if needed): labeled with child’s first/last, days date and contents

• Two changes of clothing

• Diapers and wipes

Your infant will be checked and changed every 1.5–2 hours, please plan to bring enough diapers and wipes either on a weekly or daily basis. At the time of registration, each you will be given an “Infant Information” sheet, this will provide the teachers with important information such as typical feeding and nap times, and any other special requirements they may have. Additionally, each infant will have a daily activity sheet that includes how long they slept, diapering times, feeding times that will include the amount of food consumed, and activities for the day. Each infant has their own crib, and their bedding is washed weekly or more often if needed. Toys are disinfected daily, and more often if needed.

The USDA Infant Food program is implemented at participating locations. If your infants center participates, your management team will inform you and provide the appropriate paperwork.

Waddler and Toddler Program

 Waddlers and Toddlers have a schedule of planned activities throughout the day. These activities are focused on positive social interaction through play. There is a daily schedule posted in each room along with the weekly curriculum. The curriculum details the planned activities for the week. Waddler and Toddler rooms are structured to focus on large and small motor activities, sensory, reading/language, and dramatic play. Waddlers and Toddlers are served “family style” with table food, milk, or other alternative options.

 We ask that you provide your child with the following:

• Two changes of clothing

• Crib-sized sheets and blanket to place on their mats during rest time

• Water bottle labeled with child’s first/last, date and contents

• Diapers and wipes

Your child will have a diaper change every 1.5–2 hours, please plan to bring enough diapers either on a weekly or daily basis. When your child is ready to start potty training, we will assist you in any way we can by implementing a potty-training plan. For health and safety reasons, bottles are not given in the Waddler and Toddler classrooms and pacifiers are used at naptime.

 Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten Program

The Pre-K and Pre-School program focus on a weekly curriculum theme and a daily schedule of activities. The curriculum for the week is posted in the classroom. The activities may include music, circle time, large motor, sensory/science projects, art, math, etc. Each teacher and child practices good hygiene by washing their hands before meals, after using the restroom, after outside play, and other projects as needed

We ask that you provide your child with the following:

• Water bottle labeled with child’s first/last, date and contents

• Two changes of clothing

 Kindergarten Readiness

My Angel Daycare strives to help educate children, so they can transition easily from preschool to kindergarten. We provide information on upcoming school registration and orientation dates for the local elementary schools that we service. We work closely with local elementary schools near My Angel Daycare. Our teachers will work with families and children to create a smooth transition into kindergarten.

 Transportation for Field Trips

 Transportation for field trips will be provided by My Angel Daycare school van. Children typically begin participating in field trips and outings in the preschool classroom. Previous field trips have included visits to a local pumpkin patch, Pacific Science Center, local parks, and local libraries. Every safety precaution is observed during any off-site trips. Each child is accounted for with an attendance list on/off the bus and throughout the activity. All our drivers are current with CPR, First-Aid, Washington State driver’s license, medical and liability insurance. All children attending a field trip must have written permission on file.

Notices go out at least one week in advance for any upcoming field trips as well as any additional costs. My Angel Daycare also offers additional on-site extracurricular activities that maybe an additional charge to regular tuition fees. Please inquire with the office regarding these options.

For Before and After school children My Angel Daycare provides an AM drop-off and PM pickup service to your child’s school. We are on a schedule to make sure all the children get dropped off in time for class to begin. Please check with your center for the van departure time to ensure your child has transportation to school for the day. If the departure time is missed, it will be your responsibility to transport your child to school. We require that you call the center if your child doesn’t need to be picked up from school.

We always take the following items with us in the vans:

• A list of children in attendance to be transported

• A list of schools, phone numbers for the schools, and childcare and emergency numbers

• An emergency card and registration information on each child

• A driving schedule that contains a list of drop-off and pick-up times

• Cell phone

 • Emergency First Aid Kit

• Fire extinguishers

• Permission forms for field trips

• Emergency prescriptions (e.g., epi pen)

• Bottled Water

 We follow Washington State safety WACs, and our staff has been instructed as to how to properly fasten seat belts. The van is checked regularly for maintenance and safety. If a student persistently refuses to cooperate with the policies of pick-up and does not follow the safety rules of the van, they may be disenrolled immediately.

Parent Partnerships and Developmental Assessments

At My Angel Daycare, we want to ensure that you receive ample information in all areas of your child’s development. We provide you with daily sheets documenting your child’s day, as well as a verbal account of daily classroom activities. We have an open-door policy and invite you into our classrooms to not only volunteer and/or observe, but to participate in our scheduled center wide curriculum-based activities. We encourage collaboration with our families to support and strengthen our center and community. My Angel Daycare utilizes the Strengthening Families self-assessment tool annually and puts goals in place for the center based on reflection and the yearly assessment.

To track your child’s development, we utilize a combination of formal assessment and informal observation and documentation. CDC Milestones are used to screen your child by/before day 45 in our care, and then annually after. LPW Child Assessments, which align with WaKIDS, are completed annually. After your child has been in our care for 90 days, we start to compile information using this assessment around your child’s development. The lead teacher in your child’s classroom who is formally trained in the LPW Child Assessment tool and CDC Milestone, will be the one facilitating the assessment and tracking your child’s progress.

Assessments and informal observation and documentation are kept in your child’s portfolio. We utilize a portfolio system to track progress throughout the year. Portfolios include CDC Milestones, LPW Child Assessments, Art & Prewriting, Observations, and Supporting documents. Four times a year, we use formal assessment and informal observation as well as documentation developed by My Angel Daycare, and we share these in your child’s portfolio and through working samples. Upon request from a guardian, a copy of the assessment can be sent home with you, you will also be given your child’s portfolio when they exit our program.

Once your child’s assessment and milestone are completed for the year, they are placed in your child’s portfolio for you to view, and for future teachers to utilize to see where your child was the year prior with regards to development. At My Angel Daycare, we do our best to screen each child in their home language. If you would like your child’s assessment translated, we would be happy to seek accommodations.

Based on our formal assessment and/or informal observation and documentation, we will then develop personalized goals specific to your child’s needs. We will partner with you to develop these individual goals for your child. This will be done through conferences.

 Information based on assessments, observations, documentation, and from conferences are used for curriculum and activity planning and to monitor your child’s progress throughout the year. You also have the opportunity to schedule a meeting with teachers and/or management at any time to get a more in-depth look at the developmental progress of your child.

 We review child portfolios with our families 3 times a year, to provide you with the opportunity to talk with our teachers about your child’s development, look over your child’s portfolio, and go over their progress or any developmental concerns. We also host “Family Night” which gives you a chance to interact and meet other families, teachers, and management throughout our program. At Family Night, we encourage you to visit not only your child’s current classroom and teachers, but to also take a look at the classroom your child will be transitioning to next.

 In addition, we update our website and send out My Angel Daycare Family Newsletters monthly with information about curriculum and center events.

If there are any developmental concerns, families will be provided with information about how to find developmental services. My Angel Daycare works closely with Kindering, more information can be found on:

Transition Policy

 My Angel Daycare acknowledges that transitions are a very difficult time for some children, that is why we strive to make these times as easy and stress free as possible.

During the transition into our program, we do a formal meet and greet as an introduction to our center and ask questions to get to know your child and family. We encourage you to be a part of your child’s drop off routine, enter the classroom with your child and help to get your child settled in. During the first few days, we support you taking more time and care during drop off and pick up to ensure your child feels secure in their new environment.

When transitioning to a new class, we give notice approximately two-to-three weeks in advance, giving you time to prepare for the transition as well. The transition letter shares information about the new class, teachers’ names, along with a supply list. We are available to show you and your child the new classroom upon request. This time allows you and your child the ability to meet the new teacher in advance and view the new room. You are also able to sit in the class and observe alongside your child as an additional way to acclimate to the new environment.

When the time comes for families to transition out of our program or when your child is ready to leave for kindergarten, we require a two-week written notice. We are here for support and positive encouragement during this transition. We can also provide feedback to the new school if needed.

Meal Time

 All children are served breakfast, lunch, snack, and PM snack, which is prepared on-site by our chef or they bring their own home food preparing by their parents. The food served is nutritious and has variety. All meals conform to the USDA guidelines. Any meals and snacks that you choose to supply as substitutes to the menu, must meet the meal and snack pattern specified in USDA and licensing requirements.

If your child has a food allergy, My Angel Daycare requires a signed note from a healthcare provider, along with a list of foods your child cannot consume, and for you to complete our Supplemental Menu. For dietary restrictions due to religion, it is your responsibility to notify the management team, provide an adequate meal replacement (fitting USDA guidelines), and complete our Supplemental Menu.

 Weekly menus can be found posted in the hallway on the Information Board.

Menus, milk, and food.

To ensure proper nutrition of children in care, My Angel Daycare complies with the child nutrition requirements described in this section.

(1) Meals, snack foods, and beverages provided to children in care comply with the requirements contained in the most current edition of the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) standards, or the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program standards.

(a) Supply dated menus.

(b) Food and beverage substitutions to a scheduled menu must be of equal nutritional value.

(c) My Angel Daycare only serves water, unflavored milk or one hundred percent fruit or vegetable juice.

(d) My Angel Daycare limits the consumption of one hundred percent fruit juice to no more than four to six ounces per day for children between one and six years old, and eight to twelve ounces per day for children seven through twelve years old.

(2) My Angel Daycare serves a fruit or vegetable during at least one snack per day. The fruit and vegetable serving may count as one of the two required snack components or as a third snack component.

2. Allergies, Dietary Restrictions and special dietary needs:

I will inform My Angel Daycare about any allergies, dietary restrictions, or special dietary needs my child has. I understand the importance of providing accurate and up-to-date information to ensure my child's safety and well-being.

My Angel Daycare will follow the WAC 110-300-0186.

3. Food Safety:

I acknowledge that My Angel Daycare follows food safety practices to prevent cross-contamination and ensure the safe handling and storage of food. I understand that food brought from home should be appropriately labeled and stored to maintain its safety.

 - Food service, equipment, and practices.

(1) My Angel Daycare preparing or serving food complyies with the current department of health Washington State Food and Beverage Workers' Manual and supervise services that prepare or deliver food to the early learning program.

(2) Snacks and meals must be prepared and served by an early learning provider at My Angel Daycare who possesses a valid and current food worker card pursuant to WAC 110-300-0106(13).

(3) My Angel Daycare:

(a) Supply durable and developmentally appropriate individual eating and drinking equipment, or developmentally appropriate single use disposable items;

(b) Clean and sanitize eating and drinking equipment after each use. Water cups or bottles must be cleaned and sanitized daily if designated for a single child;

(c) Ensure plastic eating and drinking equipment does not contain BPA (a chemical used in hard plastic bottles and as a protective lining in food and beverage cans) or have cracks or chips;

(d) Use gloves, utensils, or tongs to serve food;

(e) Serve meals or snacks on plates, dishware, containers, trays, or napkins or paper towels, if appropriate. Food should not be served directly on the eating surface; and

(f) Be respectful of each child's cultural food practices.

(4 My Angel Daycare:

(a) Serve each child individually or serve family style dining, allowing each child the opportunity to practice skills such as passing shared serving bowls and serving themselves; and

(b) Sit with children during meals.

[WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0195, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.07043.215.201 and chapter 42.56 RCW. WSR 18-14-079, § 170-300-0195, filed 6/30/18, effective 8/1/19.]

 Food sources.

(1) Food prepared and served from My Angel Daycare does not be tampered with or spoiled.

(2) Food prepared and served from My Angel Daycare is obtained from an approved source licensed and inspected by the local health jurisdiction, the Washington state department of agriculture (WSDA), or the USDA. Food items not approved to be served to children in care include:

(a) Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or milk that has not been inspected by the USDA or WSDA;

(b) Home canned food;

(c) Game meat or other meat that has not been inspected by the WSDA or USDA;

(d) Leftover food that was previously served from outside of the early learning program; or

(e) Food from roadside stands selling without a permit.

(3) Food not prepared on-site by an early learning provider, pursuant to WAC 110-300-0195(2), must be provided by:

(a) A licensed food establishment, kitchen, or catering business that meets food service requirements (chapter 246-215 WAC) and is regularly inspected by a local health jurisdiction;

(b) A parent or guardian for his or her own children; or

(c) A manufacturer of prepackaged food.

(4) Fruits and vegetables (produce) grown on-site in a garden as part of an early learning program may be served to children as part of a meal or snack. Prior to preparing and serving:

(a) The produce must be thoroughly washed and scrubbed in running cold water to remove soil and other contaminants;

(b) Damaged or bruised areas on the produce must be removed; and

(c) Produce that shows signs of rotting must be discarded.

[WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0196, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.07043.215.201 and chapter 42.56 RCW. WSR 18-14-079, § 170-300-0196, filed 6/30/18, effective 8/1/19.]

Safe food practices.

(1) My Angel Daycare  providers wash their hands, pursuant to WAC 110-300-0200.

(2) My Angel Daycare providers store, prepare, cook, hold food, and wash dishes, pursuant to WAC 110-300-0195.

(3) For all foods offered by the provider or given to an enrolled child by a parent or guardian, My Angel Daycare:

(a) Provide appropriate refrigeration to preserve foods from spoiling. Foods that may be subject to spoiling include, but are not limited to, meats, cooked potatoes, cooked legumes, cooked rice, sprouts, cut melons, cut cantaloupes, milk, and cheese; and

(b) Refrigerate foods requiring refrigeration at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less and freeze foods required to be frozen at 10 degrees Fahrenheit or less.

(4) Food must be stored as follows:

(a) In original containers or in clean, labeled, dated, and airtight food grade containers, if appropriate;

(b) Food not required to be refrigerated or frozen must not be stored directly on the floor;

(c) In a manner that prevents contamination;

(d) Food and food service items (such as utensils, napkins, and dishes) must not be stored in an area with toxic materials (such as cleaning supplies, paint, or pesticides);

(e) Food that is past the manufacturer's expiration or "best served by" date must not be served to enrolled children; and

(f) Raw meat must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer below cooked or ready to eat foods.

(5) For food requiring temperature control, a center early learning program must maintain a food temperature log by using a calibrated and working metal stem-type or digital food thermometer.

(6) Prior to storing leftover food in a refrigerator or freezer, an early learning provider must label the food with the date the leftover food was opened or cooked.

(7) My Angel Daycare may serve leftover food that originated from the early learning program if the leftover food was not previously served and:

(a) Refrigerated leftover food must be stored and then served again within forty-eight hours of originally being prepared; or

(b) Frozen leftover food must be promptly served after thawing and being cooked.

(8) Frozen food must be thawed by one of the following methods:

(a) In a refrigerator;

(b) Under cool running water inside a pan placed in a sink with the drain plug removed; or

(c) In a microwave if the food is to be cooked as part of the continuous cooking process.

[WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0197, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.07043.215.201 and chapter 42.56 RCW. WSR 18-14-079, § 170-300-0197, filed 6/30/18, effective 8/1/19.]

Food preparation areas.

(1 My Angel Daycare provider or staff clean and sanitize food preparation areas and eating surfaces before and after each use, pursuant to WAC 110-300-0241 (1)(a).

(2) In My Angel Daycare program's food preparation area, kitchens:

(a) Have walls, counter tops, floors, cabinets, and shelves that are:

(i) Maintained in good repair including, but not limited to, being properly sealed without chips, cracks, or tears; and

(ii) Moisture resistant.

(b) Have a properly maintained and vented range hood, exhaust fan, or operable window; and

(c) Have a properly maintained and working refrigerator, freezer, or a combination refrigerator and freezer with sufficient space for proper storage and cooling of food.

(3) A My Angel Daycare provider:

(a) Have at least eight feet between the food preparation area and any diaper changing tables or counters and sinks used for diaper changing;

(b) Clean and sanitize a sink immediately before using it to prepare food to be served to children in care;

(c) Use a colander or other method to prevent food and kitchen utensils from touching the sink basin; and

(d) Clean dishes, pans, baby bottles, and kitchen utensils as follows:

(i) Cleaning and sanitizing with an automatic dishwasher that uses heat or chemicals to sanitize; or

(ii) Handwashing, rinsing, sanitizing, and allowing to air dry.

(4) Center early learning programs licensed after the date this chapter becomes effective must have:

(a) A handwashing sink separate from dishwashing facilities;

(b) A food preparation sink located in the food preparation area; and

(c) A method to clean and sanitize dishes, pans, kitchen utensils, and equipment in the food preparation area using:

(i) A two-compartment sink and an automatic dishwasher that sanitizes with heat or chemicals; or

(ii) A three-compartment sink method (sink one is used to wash, sink two is used to rinse, sink three contains a sanitizer, and the dishes are allowed to air dry).

(5) An early learning provider may use the kitchen for actively supervised cooking or food preparation activities with children in care.

4. Food from Home:

I have the option to provide food from home for my child if I prefer. I understand that any food brought from home should be clearly labeled with my child's name and dietary restrictions, if applicable.

Parent or guardian provided food and written food plans.

(1) A written food plan must be developed by the provider and a child's parent or guardian, signed by all parties, and followed when accommodating a child's:

(a) Special feeding needs;

(b) Special diets;

(c) Religious or cultural preferences;

(d) Family preference; or

(e) Other needs.

(2) An early learning provider may allow or require parents or guardians to bring food for their child.

(3) If a parent or guardian provides meals for their child, an early learning provider must:

(a) Notify the parent or guardian in writing of the USDA CACFP requirements for each meal; and

(b) Supplement a child's meal that does not satisfy USDA CACFP requirements if necessary.

(4) On special occasions, such as birthdays, an early learning provider may allow parents or guardians to bring in snacks that may not satisfy the nutritional requirements for all children. The snacks provided must be limited to:

(a) Store purchased fruits and vegetables (uncut);

(b) Foods prepackaged in the original manufacturer containers; or

(c) Snacks prepared, cooked, or baked at home by parents or guardians of a child in care. Prior to serving, an early learning provider must receive written permission from each child's parent or guardian stating their child may consume food prepared, cooked, or baked by another child's parent or guardian.

5. Sharing Food:

I understand the importance of not sharing food with other children due to potential allergies and dietary restrictions. I will educate my child about the importance of this policy.

6. Communication:

I will promptly communicate any changes to my child's dietary needs or restrictions to My Angel Daycare I understand that this communication is essential to ensuring my child's safety and well-being.

7. Supervision and Assistance:

I acknowledge that My Angel Daycare staff will provide supervision and assistance to children during meal and snack times. However, I understand that my child's self-feeding abilities will be taken into consideration. 

Outdoor Play

 Please dress your child appropriately for northwest weather. Weather permitting, the classes have outside time twice a day. During the colder months, please supply gloves and a warm jacket with a hood or a hat. Rubber boots are recommended.

During the warmer months, we require that you complete a Sunscreen authorization form for your child to have sunscreen protection; or a sunscreen waiver form must be completed.

Please label all of your child’s personal possessions with a permanent marker or label so we can work together to keep track of belongings.

Medical Policies

Teachers will conduct a daily health check of the children when they arrive. It is required that we have documentation of appropriate immunizations for each child and any information regarding major health problems that the child may have. Each child entering the center will need to have had a physical examination sometime during the year prior to enrollment and every year thereafter. At all times, you and the family physician are the primary caretakers of your child’s health. At the time of registration, you are required to agree to the My Angel Daycare Health Policy.

Medical Emergencies

 If there is a life-threatening emergency, 911 will be called first, then you, followed by any emergency contacts listed, if you are unable to be reached. All illnesses and medical emergencies will be recorded in the child’s file and a report will be filled out. For major emergencies, a copy of the injury/incident report will be sent to the State Licensing Office.

Every teacher is certified in CPR/First Aid and HIV/BBP training. In the unlikely event your child is injured, through no fault of My Angel Daycare, the legal guardian’s insurance will be primary. My Angel Daycare insurance will be secondary. You are responsible for ensuring your child has adequate health insurance coverage.

For all minor injuries, an accident/injury report will be filled out by a teacher, then signed by you to acknowledge the incident, and kept in the child’s file.

Hospital Used for Emergencies

Overlake Hospital

1035 116th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 688-


You will be notified in the event of a serious illness or injury. If necessary, 911 will be called or the child will be transported to the emergency room.

If your child is feeling ill, they will be isolated from the rest of the children, their temperature taken, and you will be notified. If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, you will be required to pick your child up immediately: a fever of 100 F or higher, vomiting, drainage from the eye, a rash, is too sick or fatigued to participate in daily activities, has lice or nits, or has had diarrhea two times. This is to ensure everyone’s safety.

If this does happen, children must be picked up within 1 hour. Children will not return to care till 24 hours after the illness is no longer apparent or they are symptom free, for a full 24 hours. My Angel Daycare does not accept doctor’s notes to override our policies.

If you cannot be reached, we will call the alternative contact person listed on the registration form. Illnesses will be documented and kept on file. All communicable diseases will be reported to the local Health Department, and you will be notified so that appropriate action can be taken. To ensure the safety of everyone at our center My Angel Daycare teachers adhere to this same illness policy.

Procedures for Medication

If your child requires medication administered while in our care, please notify the Director. All medications will be given to an administrator, with a doctor’s note, at the time your child is dropped off. Children may not give their medication to teachers. Transfer of all medications must occur between a qualified administrator and guardian of the child. A daily record is kept that indicates all medication administration times, dosages, and administering employee’s signature. Medication will be stored in either the center’s refrigerator, or the First Aid/Medication Box.

Please provide:

 • A signed note from the doctor listing medication dosage and times to be given. A bottle from the pharmacy labeled with the child’s name, dosage and time to be given may be substituted for the doctor’s note. Upon request typically your pharmacy will provide a small bottle for school dosage.

• A signed note from the guardian asking My Angel Daycare to give the medication, stating the time of the in-school dose, name of medication, duration of use, and time to be administered. For non-prescription drugs, (Tylenol, non-prescription pain reliever, etc.) we require a note from the physician if no written instructions for the child’s age, weight, or height is indicated. This rule also applies to sunscreen for children under 6 months of age. All medications must be in their original box with complete instructions, and unopened.

 Please note that Baby Powder and Orajel are not allowed in the Center.

Fire Drills & Quarterly Disaster Drills

Monthly fire drills and quarterly disaster drills are held to acquaint your child with the emergency procedures. The center is equipped with a fire alarm system that is tested and serviced annually.

Emergency Response

 In the event of an emergency, My Angel Daycare and its employees have been trained in how to respond to disaster/crisis situations. A copy of the full handbook is available on our website at Below is a brief description of the steps we take in common emergency situations.

Snow and Inclement Weather Conditions

 • For snow and other severe weather, the Director will determine prior to opening hours whether the Center will open with a delayed start or fully close.

• There will be a voicemail left at the Center’s main telephone line prior to opening hours: 206 294 9663.

• If the School Districts located around the Center are closed, then business hours will change; however, if determined that conditions are too dangerous, My Angel Daycare will not be open. (This information will be on the voicemail).

• If conditions occur during operating hours, the Director will contact you by telephone, and we will have early closing hours.

Power Outage

 You will be notified via telephone if a power outage occurs and is prolonged over a 3-hour period. We will then request that children be picked up immediately. My Angel Daycare will not open if power is lost prior to opening.

Evacuation Site

 The pre-designated location is Hazelwood Elementary School.

7100 116th Ave SE Newcastle WA98056

Behavior Management Policy

 My Angel Daycare, it is our priority to prevent, deescalates, and redirect aggressive and challenging behavior. Our teachers must supervise to protect children from harmful acts of other children. Teachers immediately intervene when they become aware that a child or children are teasing, fighting, bullying, intimidating, or becoming physically aggressive. The employees at My Angel Daycare have been trained to use a variety of positive guidance and redirection techniques.

Teachers acknowledge children’s positive behavior and always suggest alternatives to unacceptable behavior. We focus on avoiding problems before they happen and strongly encourage problem-solving techniques for children. However, periodically a child has an overbearing sense of emotions. In these circumstances, we will use positive re-direction. This will be done in a manner supportive of the child’s emotions.

If a child becomes physical (hitting, kicking, biting, etc.), or the child is harming themselves/others, support will be provided, along with management team support. You will be called for immediate pick-up and support. If you are unable to be reached, your emergency contacts will be contacted for immediate pick-up and support. Any form of corporal punishment is not permitted on the premises (shaking, spanking, etc.) by anyone.

 In the event of an extreme behavior management problem, the appropriate steps will be taken to work specifically on these problems. A conference will be held, and a behavior plan will be implemented.

Expulsion Policy

 It is our goal to support the children and families in our program. Our program strives to meet the needs of all students. We do this through family partnership, teacher training and consultation. Our teachers have annual training to help support positive social and emotional development, to help reduce challenging behaviors and trauma informed care. We also work closely with Kindering services for behavioral and developmental concerns.

In some circumstances a student may be asked to leave the program, but will be provided the following supports:

1. Documentation: When a child has incidents of behavior issues, the behavior challenges will be documented by the child’s teacher/management and provided to you on an incident report form. Based on this, a behavior plan will be implemented to support the child. Different strategies will be implemented to help the child manage their behavior. As we work through the behaviors we work alongside the family for guidance and support.

2. Conferences: We will meet to discuss challenges and come up with solutions. We will implement strategies and solutions based on the conference to support the child’s behavior and help them with their behavior management.

3. Expert evaluations/referrals for more support: You will be referred to experts or referral programs for additional support when the behavior issue cannot be resolved by possible strategies. We also will utilize Kindering as needed.

 4. My Angel Daycare does reserve the right to terminate care at any given time without notice. My Angel Daycare will terminate care relationships with families who threaten legal action, behave aggressively towards care center employees or management, publicly criticize the company, and or who do not appear to be a good match for our care environment.

 Child Abuse Reporting Requirement

It is required by Washington State Law and Licensing requirements that we immediately report to the Police or Child Protective Services any instance when there is reason to suspect the occurrence of physical or emotional abuse, child neglect or exploitation. We may notify you when the police or CPS has been called, at our sole discretion, unless we are advised otherwise by CPS or the police.

 Digital Monitoring/Recording/Photography

My Angel Daycare is digitally monitored with audio and recording. Entrances, classrooms, playgrounds, parking lots, offices, and hallways are equipped with cameras and are digitally and audio recorded and viewed. In the event it is necessary, recordings will be made available to State and local authorities; recordings will not be made available to families or employees. Any photographs taken are with permission.

Non-Discrimination Policy

My Angel Daycare, in accordance with the federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. We will assist children and families who have limited English ability either with translation of written information or with an interpreter.


 My Angel Daycare is not affiliated with any religious organizations. Some of our monthly themes may be based around holidays. We only include the characters that are associated with these holidays and any and all religious aspects are not involved (e.g., we may color eggs and have an egg hunt during Easter week). We have absolute respect for each individual’s religious preference.

Family Resources Our program believes in supporting families. We provide resources for you that include an educational DVD (1-2-3 Magic DVD), which is available for check out in the office. We also have a family resource binder available in the lobby that offers support in several areas.

Amendments/Changes From time to time, My Angel Daycare may update or change these policies as needed. You understand that your child’s continued enrollment in our programs is expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of these policies and any changes. By continuing to keep your child in our programs after we have notified you of updated policies, you acknowledge your acceptance of any changes to any policies.